FSSAI exam syllabus (CBT-2) for Central Food Safety Officer and Technical Officer post 2022

FSSAI exam syllabus for CBT-2 for Central Food Safety Officer and Technical Officer post 2022

FSSAI Exam Scheme

(i) Total duration of examination is 180 minutes.
(ii) Total number of question is 80.
(iii) Difficulty Level – 20%-Easy, 30%-Medium and 50%

SectionQuestion typeTotal No. of QuestionFull marksPartial marksZero marksNegative marksMax marks
1Single correct option30(+2) if only the correct answer is selected0 if none of the option is chosen-0.5 if wrong answer option chosen60
2Multiple correct option20(+4) if the correct option(s) is selected(+3) - If allthe fouroptions arecorrect butonly threeoptions arechosen. (+2) - If threeor moreoptions arecorrect butonly twooptions arechosen, bothof which arecorrectoptions.(+1) - If twoor moreoptions arecorrect butonly oneoption is chosen andit is acorrectoptionNo marks willbe awarded if noattempt is made(-2) In all othercases80
3Fill in theblanks ( 2blanks)5(+4) - if onlythe correctanswer isselected0 if none of theoption is chosen(-1) - if wronganswer optionchosen20
4Fill in theblanks ( 1blanks)10(+4) - if onlythe correctanswer isselected0 if none of theoption is chosen(-1) - if wronganswer optionchosen40
5Comprehension10(+2) - if onlythe correctanswer isselected0 if none of theoption is chosen(-0.5) - if wronganswer optionchosen20
6Matching list5(+4) - if onlythe correctanswer isselected0 if none of theoption is chosen(-1) - if wronganswer optionchosen20

FSSAI Exam Syllabus for Central Food Safety Officer

Principles of Food Preservation, Processing and Packaging

  • Food Processing Operations, Principles, Good Manufacturing Practices
  • Over view of food preservation methods and their under lying principles
    including novel and emerging methods/principles
  • Overview of food packaging methods and principles including novel packaging

Principles and Basics of Food Chemistry and their role in Human Nutrition

  • Structure and functions of macro-and micronutrients
  • Role of macro and micronutrients in human nutrition
  • Over view of food additives with respect to their technological functions
  • Over view of anti-nutritional factors and their removal from foods
  • Over view of enzymes as food processing aids
  • Over view of nutraceuticals and functions foods
  • Overview of food contaminants and adulterants and their effects on human health
  • Food allergens and allergenicity
  • Importance of diet in alleviating health risks, especially non-communicable diseases

Food Microbiology & General principles of Food Hygiene

  • General principles of food microbiology and over view of food borne pathogens
  • Over view of sources of microorganisms in food chain (raw materials, water, air,
    equipment etc.) and microbiological quality of foods
  • Microbial food spoilage and Food borne diseases
  • General principles and techniques in microbiological examination of foods

FSSAI Exam Syllabus for Technical Officer

Principles of Food Preservation, Processing and Packaging

  • Food Processing Operations, Principles, Good Manufacturing Practices
  • Over view of food preservation methods and their under lying principles including
    novel and emerging methods/principles
  • Overview of food packaging methods and principles including novel packaging

Principles and Basics of Food Chemistry and their role in Human Nutrition

  • Structure and functions of macro-and micronutrients
  • Role of macro and micronutrients in human nutrition
  • Over view of food additives with respect to their technological functions
  • Over view of anti-nutritional factors and their removal from foods
  • Over view of enzymes as food processing aids
  • Over view of nutraceuticals and functions foods
  • Overview of food contaminants and adulterants and their effects on human health
  • Food allergens and allergenicity
  • Importance of diet in alleviating health risks, especially non-communicable diseases

Food Microbiology & General principles of Food Hygiene

  • General principles of food microbiology and over view of food borne pathogens
  • Over view of sources of microorganisms in food chain (raw materials, water, air,
    equipment etc.) and microbiological quality of foods
  • Microbial food spoilage and Food borne diseases
  • General principles and techniques in microbiological examination of foods


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