Implementing Fortified Rice Traceability Application within FoSCoS

The Fortified Rice Traceability Application (FoRTrace) is launched by FSSAI for the traceability of Rice Fortification. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has made a development to ensure the excellence and traceability of fortified rice, By introducing the Fortified Rice Traceability (FoRTrace) application within the Food Safety Compliance System (FoSCoS), the FSSAI is struggling to optimize operations and improve visibility in the rice fortification supply chain.

The manufacturers of premix for Fortified Rice Kernels (FRK) and Fortified Rice (FR) have been directed by FSSAI, through an official order, to upload lab test reports, as well as declarations of iron sources and blending ratios on FoSCoS. This directive underscores the significance of transparency and accountability in the manufacturing process.

Businesses need to stick to the FSSAI’s requirement of maintaining daily records of production, and raw material utilization, and ensuring cleanliness in the manufacturing process. These regulations play a vital role in upholding food safety standards and quality control measures.

The complicated nature of rice fortification was except by FSSAI, leading to the creation of the FoRTrace application to tackle transparency, quality control, and traceability challenges.

The ideal incorporation of FoRTrace with FoSCoS offers a centralized platform for stakeholders to document production, raw material usage, and sales information, as efficient end-to-end traceability processes.

Fortified Rice Traceability Application

The FoRTrace application provides a variety of valuable features including a convenient single sign-in option, the ability to create sub-users, absolute integration with FSSAI’s INFoLNet portal for lab test reports, and the efficient dissemination of sample testing findings. These features significantly improve accessibility and foster collaboration among stakeholders, thereby ensuring thorough traceability within the fortified rice value chain.

FSSAI encourages States and Union Territories to utilize the FoRTrace portal for improved traceability of fortified rice within their authority. By directing Food Business Operators to input procurement, production, and sales information into the FoRTrace portal, States and UTs can elevate quality control protocols and protection of consumer well-being.

The introduction of Fortified Rice Traceability demonstrates FSSAI’s proactive posture on improving food safety standards in India. By combining technology and regulatory adherence, FSSAI seeks to promote transparency, quality assurance, and traceability in the fortified rice supply chain, ultimately guaranteeing consumer trust and health. States and Union regions are urged to adopt this initiative to strengthen the country’s food safety infrastructure.


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