Fssai Label : Star Rating on Packaged Food

Food Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) plans to implement a a health star rating system to help people recognize unhealthy food.

Fssai issued a Draft Notification related to Front of Pack Nutritional Labelling (FOPNL) And High Fat, Sugar, Salt Food (HFSS).

According To a Draft Issued By The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) Processed Food Packets have to get an “Indian Nutrition Rating” (INR) on their packaging.

What Is Indian Nutrition Rating (INR) ?

Indian Nutrition Rating (INR) Is a System Created By the Government Which Will Rate Food Product From 1/2 Star ( least healthy) to 5 (Healthiest) Star On the Basis Of the Overall Nutrition Profile Of the Food.

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has issued a draft notification on front-of-package labelling, which proposes “Indian Nutrition Rating” (INR) modelled on the health star-rating system.

Items Will be Assigned based on Energy and Content of Saturated Fat, Sugar, Sodium, Fruit, Vegetables, Nuts, Legumes, Millets, Dietary Fibre, and protein per 100 gm servings of solid and liquid foods.

It Would be Displayed Close In Proximity to the Name or Brand name of the Product on the Front of the Pack.

Some Food Products Are Exempted Like :

  • Milk and Milk-based products
  • Egg-Based Desserts,
  • Salads and Sandwich spreads
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Infant Food

The FBO has to Submit their Product’s Nutrition Profile In FoSCoS System For Generating INR.

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What Is FOPNL ?

Front Of Pack Nutrition Labeling (FOPNL) Tells to Put Supplementary Nutrition Information On Front Of the Packaging. It Can Include Symbols/Graphics, text, Or Combinations, To Provide an Overall Nutritional Profile Of the Food.

High Fat, Sugar, Salt (HFSS) Food

The declared Values Of the Ingredient are to be such that the Product does not satisfy the Values Of Energy(kcal) from total Sugar less than 10% of total Energy Or from Saturated Fat 10% of total Energy And Sodium less than 1mg/1kcal.

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