The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has granted food business operators (FBOs) an additional four months to use up all pre-printed packaging materials that purport to include “100% fruit juices” in their packed juice goods.
In June of this year, the Food and Safety Regulatory Authority of India (FSSAI) requested that food business operators (FBOs) remove claims of 100% fruit juices from ads and labels of reconstituted fruit juices immediately, due to growing concerns regarding deceptive statements.
“Based on the various representation received from stakeholders, it has been decided to extend the deadline for using pre-printed packaging materials.
The new deadline for utilising these materials is now December 31, 2024,” FSSAI said in an advisory to FBOs.
Products made by FBOs before December 31, 2024, according to the regulation, may also be “sold in the market across all channels until the end of their shelf life.”
Initially, FBOs were instructed to exhaust all existing pre-printed packaging materials before September 1, 2024.
The FSSAI called of businesses earlier in June for making “misleading claims” that their goods are made up of “100%” fruit juice.
“It has come to the attention of FSSAI that several FBOs have been inaccurately marketing various types of reconstituted fruit juices by claiming them to be 100 per cent fruit juices,” the agency had stated.
Download Official Advisory click here
Date : 24 & 25 August 2024 (2 Days)
Time : 10 AM to 05 PM
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