KARYASHALA PROGRAM ACCELERATE VIGYAN : Hands-on Training and Workshop on Edible Oil Processing from non-conventional Sources & its applications with their Shelf-life enhancement using Innovative Technologies. This program is Jointly organized by DST -Science and Engineering Research Board & NIFTEM-K: National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management, Kundli, Haryana for ongoing Masters and Ph.D. degree Scholars.
Registration Fee : ZERO
Last date to apply : 22 June 2023
Note : FREE Accommodation & Transportation allowance given to selected candidates
About Karyashala
India, a prominent oilseed producer and importer, has the world’s fourth-largest vegetable oil economy after the USA, China, and Brazil. The country contributes 5% to global vegetable oil production and imports around 14% of the world’s edible oil consumption. India’s diverse agro-ecological conditions support the cultivation of nine annual oilseed crops, including seven edible and two non-edible varieties. Effective handling and storage practices are crucial to maintain the quality of oil and meal. This practical workshop aims to enhance technological advancements in oil and oilseed stability, non-conventional processing methods, quality assessment, and nutritional enhancement. The focus is on preventing rancidity, oxidation, and extending shelf life.
The workshop aims to familiarize postgraduate and Ph.D. students with the extraction of oil from non-conventional sources and advanced processing technologies. The session will include an in-depth discussion on engineering properties used to assess the quality of fat and oil seeds. This initiative
aligns with the “Skill India” program by the Government of India, which promotes entrepreneurial endeavors and self- reliance among the youth.
Purpose of the workshop
The workshop aims to enhance skills in advanced processing technology for a variety of oil seeds, with a specific emphasis on improving shelf life and analyzing relevant parameters. Hands-on training will be provided to students from universities, private academic institutions, and institutes to achieve this goal.
The primary objectives of the workshop are as follows:
• To familiarize participants with both conventional and cutting-edge processing technologies employed for improving the shelf life of non-traditional edible oils.
• To develop oils that are stable with sustainable modification technologies that augment shelf-life stability, and explore their application in food products.
• To evaluate the physio-chemical, nutritional, and sensory characteristics of oils and oil-based products.
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Focus Areas
1. Edible oilseed processing technologies for different fat and oils in India.
2. Green technologies for enhanced shelf-life stability of fats and oils.
3. Characterization and quality evaluation of edible fats and oils.
4. Nutritional quality enhancement of edible oils and their applications.
5. Introduction to used cooking oil and its valorization.
6. Governing regulations (FSSAI) for packaging and labeling of fats and oils.
Twenty-five (25) candidates shall be short-listed based on eligibility criteria laid out by SERB and as per formulated guidelines of the workshop.

Duration and certificate
• Duration of workshop will be six days and after the successful completion of the workshop certificate will be awarded.
• The selected candidates must produce a “No Objection certificate (NOC)” from institute for participation in the internship program. Also justification for attending the workshop to be submitted.
• No registration fees & accommodation will be provided for the selected candidates. Selected candidate will be given travel allowances as per entitlement.
Schedule Details
Day | Lecture Session | Practical Session |
Day 1 | Engineering the Future of Edible Oilseed Processing: Advancements, Challenges, and Sustainable Solutions for India’s Food Industry (FE) | Introduction to oil extraction methods |
Day 2 | From Refinement to Regulation: Advancing Technologies for Oils and Compliance with FSSAI Standards. (FST) | Quality testing of edible refined oil. |
Day 3 | Advancing Shelf-Life and Sustainability: Unveiling Innovative Technologies for Extended Quality of Edible Oils and their Versatile Applications in Food Products (FST) | Development of functional fat using novel modification method and its application in the food products |
Day 4 | Characterization and quality evaluation of edible fat and oils (FTI.) | Physico-chemical analysis of oil |
Day 5 | Unlocking the Chemistry: Investigating Degradation Processes of Edible Oils and its Effect on Quality of Used Cooking Oils | Quality assessment methods for used cooking oil. |
Day 6 | Optimizing Nutritional Quality: Strategies for Enhancing Edible Oil | Demonstration of edible oil fortification at Center of Excellence for food fortification (CEFF), NIFTEM |
• Director (Prof. P K Nema)
• Registrar (Prof. J S Rana)
• Dean Academics (Prof. Ashutosh Upadhyay)
Dr. Anupama Singh, Dean PGS and Head-Department of Food Engineering
Dr. Komal Chauhan, Head- Department of Food Science and Technology
Dr. Rajni Chopra, Associate Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology
Organizer’s Contact : niftemkaryashala@gmail.com
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Hi Sir/Madam,
I am J.Mithin Mon. I am 20 years old.I am coming from Colachel, Kanniyakumari Dist,Tamil Nadu. I completed my Bsc.Microbiology in Noorul Islam college of Arts and Science, Kumaracoil, Kanniyakumari Dist, TamilNadu.
I applied for the workshop program on NIFTEM. If you selected me for the program, I will do my best and gain my knowledge. I believe this workshop program is very useful for my carrier.
Thank You.
I have knowledge about edible oil,
I am studying Dos in food science and nutrition in university of mysore