R S Sodhi has Resigned from the post of the MD of Amul.

R S Sodhi has resigned from the post of the Managing Director of the Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd (GCMMF), AKA.. Amul. The position has been given to Jayen Mehta, the COO of GCMMF, On a temporary basis.

Mr. Sodhi was the Managing Director of the dairy sector cooperative giant since June 2010.

About Mr. Sodhi

Mr. Sodhi has done his MBA from the Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA) and started his career as Senior Manager of Sales in Amul.

How He Resigned?

Mr. Sodhi said he was on an extension and had requested the board to relieve him from the responsibility of the MD.

At the federation’s board meeting which was held at the premises of AmulFed dairy in Gandhinagar on Monday, Mr. Sodhi steeped Down.

According to a communication sent by the board to Mr. Sodhi.

As per the resolution no.2 of the board meeting, it was proposed to end your service as the federation’s MD with immediate effect. Thus, you are hereby directed to relinquish your charge as MD with immediate effect and hand it over to federation COO, Jayenbhai Mehta

R S Sodhi has resigned from the post of the Managing Director of Amul, The position has been given to Jayen Mehta, the COO of GCMMF for Now.

The communication was signed by the federation’s chairman Shamalbhai Patel and Vice Chairman Valamjibhai Humbal.

Mr. Sodhi said he is ”very happy” with the federation’s decision and refuted some reports which suggested that he has been ”sacked” and his office has been ”sealed”.

Mr. Sodhi told

My term as MD ended two years back and I was on extension. I had requested the board to relieve me from this responsibility. The board had told me to wait for some time saying they will relieve me once they find a suitable replacement

When I again requested the GCMMF board to relieve me, they finally accepted my request and relieved me today. It was my own decision to step down and I am very happy today

When Mr. Sodhi took over as MD, the federation’s turnover was only Rs 9,774 crore in 2010-11. It touched Rs 61,000 crore in the 2021-22 financial year.

Mr. Sodhi has been working with the federation for more than 40 years, he was MD for 12 years.

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