Mayonnaise made From Raw Eggs has Been BANNED across Kerala.

Kerala has been in Spotlight regarding food Safety problems for the past few months. There is another piece of news regarding this situation, After several complaints of Food Poisoning in those who had consumed various food products using mayonnaise. A ban has been issued by the State Government of Kerala on the Use and Sale of Mayonnaise made using raw eggs by eateries across the State.

Reason For Ban

The Ban has been issued because of an emergency response under the provisions of the Food Safety and Standards Act 2006.

Earlier the government had already announced the decision to ban mayonnaise made using raw eggs, as mayonnaise supplied as an accompaniment or dressing to many dishes of Arabic origin in the State had been found to have agent-triggering food poisoning episodes across the State.

Eggs naturally harbor salmonella bacteria and if these are not pasteurized or cooked properly, the bacteria can multiply in the food item made using raw eggs, especially if it is left to stand at room temperature for a long.

At a meeting of representatives of the food industry with the Health Minister the other day, a consensus had been reached that banning mayonnaise made of raw eggs was imperative to ensure food safety.

Ban has been issued by the State Government of Kerala on the Use and Sale of Mayonnaise made using raw eggs by eateries across the State. Be aware.

®️ Sticker Marking

The Food Safety wing has also issued an official notification that food parcels given from eateries should henceforth mandatorily carry a sticker marking “Date of preparation and time” and “Best before consumption” time

The said notification has been issued to warn the public to consume food within the time specified to avoid chances of spoilage and contamination and to bring more accountability to the eatery regarding the safety of the food it supplies.

The public should henceforth pay attention to the information on the label and eat/store food accordingly.

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